Sunday, June 23, 2013

Shakespeare + Joss Whedon = Magic!!

 In case you couldn't deduce it from the title, I just watch Much Ado About Nothing. And it was AWESOME!!  Not that I was surprised or anything; I tend to absolutely love most things Joss Whedon.  (Most things meaning I have mixed feelings about Dollhouse, but I digress).

If you haven't seen it, you should do that ASAP.  If you weren't planning on seeing it, you have to change your mind.  I'm already wanting to watch it again, and I will definitely buy it on DVD.  So I guess here's my review of sort, or my thoughts, or whatever you want to call this random blogging thing I do.  Let's go!

So, 1st obviously it's Shakespeare.  It's not "based" on Shakespeare, but literally the words of the play w/ modern day settings.  This may be a little daunting to people who have bad high school English class flashbacks to having to read Shakespeare.  And even though I've read a number of his plays, it's definitely been a few years since I've read him.  At first it did take a little adjustment, especially since there is a lot of quick witty things being said right off the bat.  It does get easier though.  Idk if I just got used to the language (like how if I watch too many British movies and suddenly the accent disappears), if I am just more adapt at understanding Shakespeare than perhaps the modern person, or if it's because oddly enough many of the sentences/slang/word usage was more similar to today's English than I expected, but after the 1st few scenes I had no problems following along.  Basically the point is don't let the "OMG it's all Shakespeare language" dissuade you from the film, b/c you should be able to adjust just fine.

I have to say that one of my favorite things about Joss Whedon (besides his just general awesomeness and genius) is his choice of actors.  He does a really great job at finding these fantastic actors w/ serious skills.  He even takes pains to cast the minutest of roles w/ excellent people, so I guess in Whedonville there are no small parts.  (Get it? No?)  Anyway, I also love that he's very loyal to his group of great actors, and that's why you see them pop up in a lot of his projects.  Don't think I didn't notice "Victor" from Dollhouse as one of the random cops in The Avengers.  That made me smile. :^)

Amy Acker and Alexis Denisof did fantastic jobs as the lead couple.  They were so great, and they played off of each other so well.  I've seen Amy Acker in many things over the years (since Angel), so I've seen her do a great range of things.  She was very good at delivering all that  Shakespearean wit in a way that I could relate to as a modern wit person.  And if was nice to see Alexis Denisof doing a big role.  The only thing I've seen him on since Angel is as Sandy Rivers on How I Met Your Mother, and that character is a tool.  I loved how Alexis was doing some really funny slap-stickish movement while having there was more serious dialogue.  Plus, he also showed great range in the film, having to be both ridiculous at times, but later having to be really serious.  Brilliant!!  Okay, and I can't help but mention that there was one point where I was all excited to know these 2 got a happy romance ending, since their previous romance as Fred and Wesley ended so, so very badly.

My personal favorite character in the film was Claudio, played by the ever so talented, and freakin' adorable, Fran Kranz.  You may not know this about me, but I have a huge crush on Fran Kranz!  Maybe part of it has to do w/ the nose (I've always had a thing for guys w/ epic noses).  Or maybe it's because he played Topher Brink on Dollhouse, who I've identified as a fictional example of the guy who best fit the qualities I looked for in a guy (back when my tastes weren't the best, where 1/2 the guys I liked could be douchey and "too smart for their own good" as I phrased it, while the other 1/2 were nerdy and sweet).  OMG, his performance in this movie was so good.  He was adorable and sweet during the romantic parts, and, while it was heartbreaking, did an excellent job being all angry and heartbroken.  Plus, I love how his face lights up when he's being happy or making jokes. *swoon*

There were so many other great actors in this movie.  Sadly I didn't recognize some of their real names, I just knew them as Simon Tam and Agent Coulson. Right?  Clark Gregg was very good in this movie, and it was nice to see him being a character that had some more serious parts to deliver.  And I was kinda sad to see Sean Maher begin such a bad guy.  He did it very well, but he's so cute, and the guy from Firefly I loved the best, that it was sad to see him being a meany.  But also kinda hot.  Whatever.

And everyone else did an excellent job too!  There were some actors I didn't know, or know little of, but everyone did so well, and were so well casted.

Nathan Fillion and Tom Lenk were so funny.  They played off each other well.  Granted, their characters were in few scenes, but they fit so well w/ their characters.  And I love when Tom Lenk shows up in things b/c I think he is so, so funny.  And come on, who doesn't love Nathan Fillion?  I was telling my mom I saw this movie, and she's all "how'd my Nathan Fillion do."  I may have to fight her for dibs, but to be fair she did watch him on One Life to Live back when I was a child, so she may have a valid claim.

Seriously, though, this movie was so good.  The acting was excellent, the directing was superb, the setting was beautiful and I loved how it was adapted to be modern.  The black and white made it feel romantic and dreamy.  The music was excellent too.  I am glad to see that Joss Whedon has continued w/ his music skills.  Seriously, is there nothing this man can't do?  Oh, and I particularly loved that there was a fist bump.  I could see Shakespeare being fond of the fist bump, seeing as it's really a very emotive, expressive hand gesture of the modern culture.  Now, he only complaint I have is that I had too much soda too early and had to pee the entire time, but I couldn't leave b/c I didn't want to miss anything, and there really aren't any down moments, not like in an action film when you can pop out during fight scenes and not miss much.  I was really hoping for an intermissions, seeing as this was based on a play and all.

So, finally, in conclusion, GO SEE THIS MOVIE!! Do it!  If you want company, I'd see it again.  And if Joss wanted to do another Shakespeare adaption, I'd have my stamp of approval, except for Hamlet.  I think there have been enough Hamlets to get on with.  I'd love to see a King Lear though.  Just putting it out there.

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