Saturday, June 29, 2013

It's a Good Week To Be ... You Know, a Decent Human Being

Okay, so I generally don't like to get personal or political with my blog.  (I say generally like I've had enough posts or continuity to have a "general" principle).  Anyway, I have it in my head that generally I want to keep my blog more on the silly, unpolitical, trivial side.  Mostly because it is the Internet, and I don't want too much personal stuff out there, and if by a miracle someone I don't know wants to read this drivel, I'd like to not alienate people by being too intense, political, extreme, whatever.  Besides, I am not really one to talk about serious things too openly since I tend to keep things to myself.

However, I think it's important that since I am alive during two very important Supreme Court decisions I think it's important for me to weigh in, if not for the grander scale of like (I'm not really being read by any significant size group), at least I feel I should express my feelings on it for those I know who do read this, since they are the most important people anyway.

So, I just watched the Daily Show episode covering the decisions, and I think that was really good.  1st, it explained what happened well, and of course it was funny.  I think the thing that makes me the maddest about the people who disapprove w/ what happened is some of their comments that just show a complete lack of understanding of history and the way the country works.  Why is a Constitutional Law class not a requirement before taking office into a position made by the Constitution?  Ummm, is it just me, or do others think US Congress people should know the other branches work?  *head desk*

I do think it's funny how the SCOTUSblog guy on the Daily Show said it would probably take a month for same-sex marriages to resume in California b/c the 9th Circuit had to act.  Well, it took 2 days.  Now, I am not going to explain the whole "how the courts work" thing.  There are other people who can explain it and I'm lazy.  But if you really want me to explain it (and you know me), give me a call! I already explained it all to my mom. :^)

Anyway, if you couldn't tell, I am super happy and excited about the outcome (well, the Prop. 8 case was not on the merits, so legally it wasn't the best outcome, but the practical reality is awesome.  Again, if that makes no sense, since you don't know what standing means, call me or look it up).  Now, in case you didn't catch it in earlier posts, I am a heterosexual.  But that doesn't mean that I can't be super excited.  Let's be honest, if you know anything about the history of US civil rights issues, those fighting for rights would have had much harder (maybe even impossible?) times getting rights if not supported by those who weren't being denied rights.  One of the 1st gender equality cases was about some whiny men who didn't get to drink some % beer as young as women (that's right enough, I think).

I am I think is what's called an Ally.  Like one of the countries in WWII.  It's funny, because I never really thought about it much.  And looking back on my personal history, it's interesting.  I grew up in a small town.  And despite what the other 49 states may think, there are actually really conservative pockets of California, me being from one of them.  I think I was a senior in high school before I even met a gay person.  I remember as a senior my friends introducing me to the play Rent, and how we thought I'd be fun to put on, only that would NEVER have happened in my town.

I think the thing that gets me is how people just like to hate other people for dumb reasons.  I have never disliked anyone for dumb reasons, because of how they were born, like gender or ethnicity or sexual orientation.  I just like people.  I can think of a 100 reasons or more to not like people, and none of them are reasons because of ways they were born that they can't control.  Honestly, it's dumb and you miss out on a lot of great people for just being ignorant.  Besides, let's be honest w/ each other.  A lot of hatred based on one of these reasons is not about disapproving of them, but really about making the oppressors better off.  It's like the popular girl hating on the nerdy one because the popular one feels bad about herself, despite her being privileged, and she has to hate to make herself feel better.  People can do this in groups.  I for one don't think putting others down makes you better, it just causes problems.  And I am not even going to address the religious arguments, b/c those have been done by people so much funnier than me.  Besides, in the end I just choose to love, and let the cosmic chips lie where they may.

Seriously, though, I think the best way to actually become part of the supporters for gay rights is just knowing someone who's gay.  It's like any other civil rights issues to come before.  It's one thing to think of an issue abstractly, but when you actually meet people, and get know to care for people, who are negatively affected by oppression that's when hearts and minds are changed.  Of course, all those sad or heart warming videos on the Internet of all the same-sex couples help too.  OMG, the number of times I have teared up over some couple's story or just photos!  I swear, I get emotional so easily, it's a mess.  But on the other hand, I have a big heart, so I like me better for it.

Personally, I know plenty of gay people, who are awesome, because they're, you know, people.  Specifically, I have friends who are actually married, one of the few that happened before Prop. 8.  And being a kind of naive, small town girl, I have learned a lot about them.  I remember when I 1st met one of them, and they just casually said "I was telling my same-sex-spouse" (I am being purposefully vague so as to respect their privacy.  I don't want my friends to be mad that I tell too much about them online.  My mom may already be offended about how much I've mentioned her.)  Anyway, I just remember finding that out and thinking "oh, that's cool," and not evening thinking it a thing.  And I know that with some people that can be an issue.  Really, the point of this post is to show my support for all those people who got more rights this week, but mostly to show support for my close friends b/c I love them, and they are awesome people!  I think it's time for a tissue.

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