Thursday, July 25, 2013

Retail Therapy? I'm Gonna Need Therapy!

I go shopping.  Big shocker, I know.  Everyday millions (billions maybe, idk the stats) of people go shopping.  And I know working in retail or food service isn't the most glamorous job.  And often times the people working there aren't the smartest or most mature people in the world, but there are some issues I've noticed that I think can be easily addressed.

For the love of all things holy, be nice.
Okay, I know that working these kind of jobs can be stressful, but everyone at one point in their life, and if you have a job probably all the time, has to be nice to someone even when pissed off or stressed. It happens.  But being able to put that aside and do your job is a good thing.  It shows maturity.  Besides, I try to be as nice and polite as I can be.  I say "thank you" and "you too" when told to have a nice day.  I go out of my way to be a customer that makes the day suck a little less.  So, please, do me a favor: be nice!  Because you get paid to be nice, and I don't, so unless you want me to be a bitch to you, do your job.

This is particularly bad when you frequent a place and have to see the bitchy person a lot.  Like how I can't stand the lady at Starbucks.  And she seems to wait on me every time I am there.  Boo!  I really should just get a new Starbucks, since they are everywhere!!  Maybe the sucky barristas should think about this when being rude.

Work is not social hour
One of my biggest pet peeves is when I am at the cashier, and the cashier spends most of the time chatting with a co-worker or friend.  Guess what!  You don't get paid to talk to your coworkers, you get paid to talk to me.  So until your coworker hands their paycheck to you for talk time, pay attention to me.  Besides, it's also good etiquette for your fellow coworkers, since the other good workers don't want to pick up your slack b/c you are being a chatty Kathy.  That will cause them to talk trash about you behind your back. :P

Your merchandise sucks, so leave me alone!
Sometimes, I like to do some browsing, especially when I go to a store I have never been to, or I am just killing time.  And when I browse, I might leave the store in 2 seconds because there's nothing interesting to me.  So, I can't stand it when I enter just to look around, and the employees hover.  Say hi, ask me if I need help, fine.  But when I say I am just looking, leave me alone!!  If I need help I will ask.  Otherwise, I feel uncomfortable when you won't leave me alone.  It's even worse when you walk into a store and soon realize the merchandise is too expensive or butt ugly, or both.  Because then I have to feel awkward and somehow end the conversation so I can sneak out without being rude.  Oh, and recently I felt compelled to try something expensive and butt ugly on, just to appease the stupid store clerk.  Boo!  I can't take the pressure! Leave me alone already!!

But let's change perspective here for a bit, because while some people suck at their customer service, some people just suck as customers, so having worked in retail, I have some pet peeves of customers.

For the love of all things holy, be nice.
When you have to talk to people all day, and often times be on your feet all day, it can be exhausting.  So, it doesn't help when customers are douchbags!!  Unless it's one of the few occasions where the particular business and/or employee has pissed you off, be nice.  It's not those people's fault your spouse pissed you off or you had a bad day at work.  It's a normal, decent person thing to be nice even when you aren't in the best mood.  Also, it will increase your service because employees like getting positive customers.

Your mom doesn't work here, so clean up after yourself
I get really frustrated as a customer when I go to a store and it's thrashed.  And it's a million times more frustrating when you are an employee and have to clean up the mess.  So, I have some advice.  Retail employees have enough time (maybe) to either help you with your inquiry or clean up after your mess.  So do them a favor and either put things back or leave them alone!  It's not hard.  They even have places where you can place merchandise you don't want, so don't stash it wherever.  Fitting rooms are the worst!!  Don't be a douchbag and leave the things you try on in the fitting room.  There's a rack for that.  The worst is when people are super douchy and lazy and leave the merchandise all over the floor. I swear, some retail employee should find the office you work in, go there, and throw your files all over the floor.  Then maybe next time you will have some more consideration when you try stuff on.  Personally, when I go to fitting rooms, I try to find a room where someone left their stuff, so that when I am done I take me stuff and their stuff to the rack.  I know what a nightmare fitting rooms can be, so I like to help out a bit.

Terrible parents
No matter if you are an employee or even a shopper, irresponsible parents are the worst!!  I can't stand when parents are mean to their kids in stores.  I really just want to give them a piece of my mind (since I can't slap them or call CPS).  Your baby is crying nonstop for an hour while you shop?  Hmmmm...  Maybe you should take it home and take care of it!!!
But the most annoying thing is when parents lose track of their children.  Kids are messy, and like to throw stuff around.  It's not the employee's job to watch and clean up after your kids.  I swear, anytime a kid gets lost, they should become wards of the store, and given out to better homes.  That'll teach parents to mind their kids.  Oh, and btw, the store intercom is not a toy!!  >_<

But really, people, it's not that hard to be a little nicer.  If we all just watched ourselves, then we wouldn't have to worry whether the person we are interacting with is a jerk.  It's not that hard.  Seriously!

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