Friday, May 10, 2013

British Hot

So, I watch a lot of British movies and TV.  And I mean a lot.  This had led me to distinguish between guys that are hot and those that are British hot.  Trust me, there's a difference.

I am not sure what the cause is of this phenomenon, but I am sure that there are other kinds of hot, like geek hot or funny hot.  Mostly I am thinking that Hollywood has something to do with it.  In my opinion (take it for what you will) people in Hollywood movies and on TV (reality TV excluded mostly) tend to be really attractive.  I am talking perhaps abnormally so, and usually much for in shape and muscular.  I also find that if I watch films from other countries (most of them for me tend to be British) the actors tend to look more averagely attractive, although more made up.  Maybe it's because the US is a melting pot, so we have yummy man candy from all walks of life to ogle at in films, or maybe I am biased because I watch a lot of Hollywood films and American TV.  I don't know.

What I do know is that there are some very distinctively British features, where you look at someone and go "you're totally British!"  And, admittedly, some of these features may not be considered attractive to an unappreciative eye.  You know, everyone has what they like and what they don't, as far as, "I want to make out with your face" ways go.  But as an experienced connoisseur of British man candy, I have come to appreciate many a Brit who may otherwise not be considered hot.  Thus, British hot.

Now, there may not be a way to determine when a British guy goes from British hot to just plain hot.  I guess it depends on whether the admirers of his hotness are mainly Brits and Brits appreciative people, or whether any random person would find them hot.

I have a real life example.  As any self-respecting fan of anything British, I absolutely LOVE David Tennant. * swoon * My roommate, who was unfamiliar with him at the time (and not British crazy like me) was not at all impressed with him when I would show her photos that I found on the Facebook.  I makes me sad just thinking about it.  But, after 2+ seasons of Doctor Who, I think she's come around.  Granted, it may have something to do with the awesomeness of Doctor Who, but then again, that's sooooooo British anyway, that it totally counts.

Other examples?  Benedict Cumberbatch.  Come on, even his name is super British, and I love it!  He's super adorable, and awesome as Sherlock Holmes.  I also find Matt Smith very British hot.  I don't know, though, he may qualify as just plain hot, but I think there needs to be a scientific type poll taken. Jude Law is obviously just plain hot.  I don't care where you're from, or what you do or don't watch, that man is super fine!  And I would also argue that Colin Farrell is also just plain hot, but I could be biased seeing as he's Irish, and that's enough for me. ;^)

Anyway, I hope this adequately explains my possibly complex (and hopefully not offensive) concept of British hot.  It's similar to how I find Bill Hader funny hot, where he's not really that attractive, but he's sooooo funny that I find him so very hot.  Don't judge me, I'm just weird, awesome me!

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